Oftentimes, it’s the accusation against orthodox that they have taken reason to the extreme and try to find a rational answer to every mystery of the Faith, but in fact, the opposite is the case. Kelly, after discussing how “the epistemological principle of the Arians (was) … the what men cannot understand cannot be true,”” writes:

Heretical thinking in all ages allows ‘contemporary’ patterns of thought to determine what can or cannot be true about the nature of God and of His salvation. Therefore, Scripture must be reinterpreted in order to fit into this mold. This attitude did not die with the Arians. It would reassert itself with power during the Enlightenment and especially in the new form of Unitarianism (Socinianism) which arose after the Renaissance, during the early Reformation, and thus shortly before the flowering of the enlightment. It possibly gave some impetus to the Enlightenment.

As Hilary says, “Let us assume that God has full knowledge of himself, and bow with humble reverence to his words.”


  1. Kelly, Systematic Theology - Volume 1, p. 554