Forty Verses (birthday poem)


2 min read



(for my wife on her 40th birthday)

1 wink is all it took to start down the road
2 dates and both of us had to already know
3 months and I was planning to move
4 seasons later we’re in the wedding groove
5 is the month when we said “I do”
6 and onward is “Us” instead of “Me” and “You”
7 is perfection, to which you’re close enough for me
8 is the year of decision to have our first baby
9 months spent trying to hurry up and wait
10 came with a bang and very little sleep
11 different ways to get this baby not to weep
12 pumps of the legs and turns out it’s just gas
13 is unlucky, at least that’s what I hear
14 came quick, 3 Kids, second house, new van, new job, all in a year
15 and a teenager but still up for an egg hunt ;-)
16 brought us tears, at least a first installment
17 times we tell them to go to bed
18 is how many you repeat what you said
19 kids and counting, what went through their minds?
20 is halfway for you, the start of your climb
21 and you can drink, and also turn forty
22 ounces of breastmilk, these kids sure eat, Lordy!
23 minutes late to get to piano
24 started out as a pretty good show
25 years young and both of us were in
26 dresses less than Miss Kathryn
27 degrees celsius on Sunset Point in San DIego
28 times you asked, “can we please go?”
29 and half of our kids will be grown
30 was a decade ago, don’t you see (groan)
31 days in a month to fill with love and laughter
32 is their ages added one and another after
33 is the real number, just testing your math
34 was your age when ‘14 crossed our path
35 “I love you”s wouldn’t be enought
36 months of pregnancy is pretty rough
37 degrees celsius is the normal body heat
38 is mine whenever the two of us meet
39 brought adventure into our story
40 years of joy, to God be the glory
Every second is a milestone,
every day a victory
While the weeks fly by,
sometime months are history
We commemorate the years,
and together remember tears
But when all is said and done,
all of this life, the sad and the fun,
Is a beath in light of eternity,And all the joy that it will bring
We embrace it as we embrace each other
Our love a profound glimpse into that of another
I love you and am glad you’re forty and fine,
And remember, for six more months I’ll be 39!