Psalm 2


1 min read



At the bonds of righteousness, they chaff
The shackles of justice they long to break
The nations are yearning, the people are burning
To be free of the pain in which sinful souls ache

“Destroy the sun, that it might not give light!
Let darkness prevail, or we’ll be consumed by day bright.”
Their Creator and Lord, taking the uproar
Laughs at the anger, and vain attempts to fight.

His anger is real, and his wrath is kindled,
“You claim to set them free, but instead you have swindled”
“My king is now in place, the sovereign Lord of grace,
On my hill he reigns, and his kingdom will not dwindle.”

Let me recount what the ruler of heaven has to say:
“My son, the King, begotten this very day!
Your inheritance secure, to the very ends of the world, Your justice shall prevail, and your right will hold sway.”

So give ear and act, you subordinate kings,
Acknowledge this fact and kiss the blessed ring
Of the potentate of all, to whome every knee will fall,
Before the skies turn black, and righteous judgment he brings.

The one of whome we speak is no arrogant monarch,
The same was born a baby weak, when the angels said “Hark”
Jesus is his name, and from age to age the same,
He a refuge for the eweak, who shelter in him as their Ark.