Sappy Love Poem


~1 min read


the way she smiles
the way she laughs
the way she mocks
the way she loves
there’s so much more to her
than what may meet the eye
it’s no wonder to me
that we don’t have to try
like when every day
is a valentine’s day
or the first date jitters
never really show up
or the crush as kidders
but you never grow up
poetry about love
can be a bit sappy
but what’s a guy to do
when he’s just so happy
she is a good dream
and don’t want to wake up
even if it does take
a long time for makeup
but since love is patient
I know I can be too
a story more ancient
than “violets are blue”
it is love that we share
given from God on high
it is he who first cared
and is the reason why
so as living mirrors
of that great gift to men
each year we grow nearer
to each other and him