Blessed in Him Alone


1 min read



When all my riches I count as loss
When all my righteousness appears as loss
Happy am I

When all my tears an ocean cannot hold
When all my years have seen evil grow old
Happy am I

When all my might from using I forbear
When all my fight is gently to give care
Happy am I

When all my streams run dry and my fields are waste
When all my dreams are that to goodness I’d haste
Happy am I

When all my linens shine as bleached white
When all my sins appear out of sight
Happy am I

When all my kinsmen no longer file towards war
When all my interests are to reconcile more
Happy am I

When all my life is toil and pain
When all my loss in Christ is gain
Happy am I

For in Him alone a kingdom is mine
For in Him alone my tears will be dried
For in Him alone the earth is my treasure
For in Him alone righteousness is pleasure
For in Him alone I’ll stand forgiven and sing
For in Him alone my eyes will behold the king
For in Him alone I’m given a heavenly name
For in Him alone a life lost is a kingdom gained